Heretical theology and unbiblical teachings once bound the Worldwide Church of God, just as it still does with many of its off-shoot splinter groups that continue to adhere to Armstrongism today. Learn the story of one miracle and be encouraged!
In the mid-1990s, the Worldwide Church of God, which began as a religious cult founded by Herbert W. Armstrong, underwent a massive upheaval. At a great personal cost, but with an eye to even greater spiritual gain, they renounced their heretical teachings and embraced biblical, evangelical Christianity, and moved from the bondage of legalism to freedom in the grace of Jesus Christ.
The leadership and the laypeople of the transformed Worldwide Church of God tell the incredible story in their own words.
Their moving narrative will bring deep encouragement to believers; and those in bondage to cults, legalism, and heretical movements will find hope and good news in this inspiring story.
Produced by Living Hope Ministries
Also, please click on this hyperlink - Armstrongism Theology and Splinter Groups Exposed (Video Playlist).
This playlist contains videos that go into more detail about the Armstrong theology and it has testimonials of former members of the Worldwide Church of God and its splinter groups.