The Holy Bible teaches that the Feasts of the LORD have some very significant applications and insight into God’s eternal plan. The Feasts of the LORD are “divine appointments” that all point to the Lord Jesus as the Messiah (the Christ), they also point to His first and second coming, as well as being a vital key to understanding prophecy. The true focus of the feasts of the LORD is the Person and work of Jesus Christ. He is the pivotal reason and the Supreme importance in the plan of God.
The Feasts of the LORD are never to be exalted to the point of being an obligatory required ritual and a necessary part of being righteous before God, as this would be proof that religious legalism has entered the picture and the Lord Christ Jesus is robbed of the glory He alone should receive (see Gal. 2:21; 4:9-11, 5:1-4). Christians should not keep the feasts of the LORD for the sake of “keeping the feasts”. Jesus Christ is our feast. As Christians we remember what He has done for us (His death, burial and resurrection) and we are looking forward to what He will do and being with Him at His return.