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Video: Navigating the Journey

Have you left a cult of Christianity like Mormonism, the Jehovah's Witnesses, or any other high-control religious group that claims to be Christian? You're not alone. In this video, I share what my wife and I experienced after leaving Armstrongism, a cultic branch of Christianity. Join me as I recount the challenges we faced, the insights we gained, and the enduring hope that sustained us throughout our transition.

Inside the video:

- Breaking free from false theology

- Lack of Specialized Support within mainstream churches

- Finding support outside mainstream churches

- Dealing with cognitive dissonance and doctrinal disagreements

- Building a new faith journey focused on Jesus

If you're questioning your church or faith, contemplating leaving a high-control group, or struggling after leaving a cult of Christianity, this video offers valuable insights and encouragement for your path ahead.

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